
At NESSCO, we give a lot of importance to the cultural activities as they bind the communities together for a cause and at the end of the event, collectively we carry a message and more importantly joyful memories with us.

In a small, these help us overcome the day to day drudgery of the difficult life the under privileged and every one of us have in today's fast paced world. One of our unique ideas is to marry these cultural events with activities that protect and nurture the environment as we can bring the whole community to focus on the most important problem the globe is facing today. As a part of this service, some of the activities that we carry on are:

  • Pick up important festivals & national days and design events that bring together the community in an atmosphere of festivities
  • Planting saplings as a community activity
  • Follow up for the vitality and growth of the plants and trees and make the community aware of plant/tree saving movement
  • Demonstrating and conducting small group workshops on water preservation techniques
  • Sanitization of the localities for a disease free rainy season
  • Sensitizing people on road safety with the help of local police department